Monday, January 25, 2016

The Christmas tree is still standing!

I was totally joking when I ribbed my husband, for taking forever to haul the Christmas tree back to storage, by saying, "At this rate, this thing will still be standing here on my birthday."

Well, my b-day is next Wednesday, sooooooo it's looking like a real possibility. (It's very heavy, and my back cannot handle it. Otherwise, it would have disappeared 3 weeks ago!!!)

I've gotten so used to a naked tree standing in the front room that I hardly notice it anymore! Maybe, we will just leave it up all year and decorate it for the various holidays. We can have a Mardi Gras tree, a Valentine's day tree, an Easter tree, a St. Patty's tree. Hmmm....this is actually sounding pretty awesome. lol Those trees would be amazing! :)

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