Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This is the Year of Sue! I mean, Tonya!

I am not sure if anyone will understand the title of this post. You would have to be a fan of "The Middle" on NBC. Anyway....

I know, I know.

It's so cliche to make a New Year's Resolutions post, so I won't. Instead, I will make a "2016 Goals post", which is pretty much the exact same thing but whatever!

I will have to divide these up, because there are quite a few!

One of my goals is to take care of myself! I have multiple health issues that I have been neglecting. I have had "lady problems" for a couple years now. Like, almost have to go to the hospital kind of problems. I always tell myself that I will make an appointment, but I am full of excuses. I don't have an excuse anymore, because I was approved for financial assistance. I am one of the lucky people who seems to fall through the cracks. It would cost $250 extra every month (on top of what we already pay for the husband and kids) to insure just me. The insurance plans for state employees are terrible. Obamacare did nothing for me. The cheapest plan available on "the market" was something like $700 per month! Not so "affordable". I qualify for Medicaid, but Missouri opted not to expand the Medicaid program. So, I have been uninsured for many years. I did got to an ortho for my back and hip pain a couple months ago and all he did was want to send me to pain management. Nope. Not interested in having huge needles shoved in my body regularly. But thanks anyway. I have multiple bone spurs, degeneration of my spine, blah blah blah. As for my bilateral hip pain, he thinks it trochanteric bursitis and iliotibial band syndrome. The exercises he gave me didn't help much, if at all. So, I continue to live with daily pain.

I think I am going to try Yoga and see if my low back and hips can handle it.

I, also, need dental work done. Ugh. Dentists. *shudder*

This year I am really going to focus on me a little more, because I am no good to anyone if I am a mess.

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