Monday, August 29, 2016

Coffee and coffee cake

Good morning!! I am starting my morning off with two old and coffee cake.

This coffee cake turned out amazing, and it was so easy! I will put the link up for you.

I hope everyone is having a good Monday so far. I know Mondays are terrible in general, but it's actually not a bad day for me. Our school district has the four day school week, so my kids are off on Monday. And now that the hubs is on midnights, I don't have to wake up at 4:30 am anymore.

I'll be right back, Coffee's kicking in. Yikes.

I absolutely can't believe it has been seven months since my last post. What? That doesn't sound right. I know it's cliche, but this year has really flown by.

It's had some tough spots. My sweet in-laws are dealing with some serious health issues. My mother-in-law just had her second heart surgery this month. Last week, my father-in-law just found out he has cancer,,,,,again. He has a lot of people praying for him, so I am confident he will beat cancer again and keep on keepin' on. The man is in his 70's and has way more energy and is more active than I've ever been. Their house burned to the ground a couple years ago. They are such kind people. I hate seeing them go through all this.

The kids started back to school a couple weeks ago, and we have all transitioned smoothly into the new routine.

Well, I have lots on my "to-do" list, and between sleeping in, eating coffee cake and blogging, I don't have much morning left. :)

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