Friday, January 8, 2016

No more paper towels!

One of my goals for 2016 is to reduce waste. My first "project" is to eliminate paper towels. We go through almost an entire roll of paper towels every single day. Even buying the cheaper DG Home brand, we spend close to $40 per month on p. towels. So, to reduce our waste and save some money, I am going to start using cloth/terry towels. I can get 100 (17 x 14 inch) terry cloth towels for $36, which will last for a long time! Where our paper towels sit, there will be a basket of clean towels and a special basket in the laundry room for the dirty towels. Any towels used for greasy spills,  etc will be presoaked before washing, of course. Less waste, less trash, and money saved. I will have to go cold turkey at first, Wish me luck. Reaching for the paper towels may prove to be a hard habit to break!

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