Monday, January 4, 2016

Hello, 2016!!

I’m really killing it at this blogging thing! I haven’t posted in for-ev-er (A few days shy of an entire year....yikes!)

I have the asbolute worst scatterbrain. I am pretty sure if I were to start losing my marbles in old age, no one would really notice much. (Disclaimer: I know, on a personal level, that Alzheimers is a terrible disease, and I am not making light of it.) Not to mention, my life really isn’t all that interesting.

Tomorrow is back-to-school day! I have mixed feeling about it. The kids were fairly well behaved, and I don’t recall thinking to myself at any point, “I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL VACATION IS OVER!!!” So, that’s a good thing. They are a lot older now, and they can pretty much entertain themselves. They did eat a butt load of food and run me ragged attempting to keep up with the housework, though. I like not having a set routine, even though I need one because of my scatterbrain.

The kids had a great Christmas and made out like bandits. I decided a couple years ago that I was no longer buying gifts for the kids. They all knew Santa wasn’t real and, quite frankly, I dreaded Christmas every year. Do you know how almost impossible it is to shop for 6 kids and try to keep everything equal and fair? I am pretty sure that’s where my grey wispies on my temples came from. So, now, the kids get cash, and they can buy whatever their hearts desire. Less stress. They are happy. I am happy, and we all live happily every after. (And I give them grief about all the useless crap they buy lol)

Let’s see, what has happened since my last post. Lots of laundry happened. My oldest daughter got her license then promptly wrecked her car (smh). She is fine! The car is banged up, but still gets her from point A to B. It is, apparently, totally embarassing to drive now. Sorry, kid. Live and learn.


The husband got a promotion. He is now a Lieutenant and working at a women’s prison. After spending 13 years at a men’s prison, he said the biggest difference is that if there is a fight, the women love to tell everything they know. He said there could be 50 men who witness a fight, and “no one saw anything”. The women are totally the opposite.

We went to Six Flags. We went to the movies. We went ziplining. We went skating. We went swimming. A lot of regular stuff happened in between, but that’s pretty much all I can think of. 2015 wasn’t a bad year.

Well, I am outta here. I gotta wake up at 4 am. :(

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