Monday, September 23, 2013

Welcome to Mombieland.

Hey there. I'm pretty sure that most of us have heard the term "mombie" before.  If you haven't, it's a combo of the words "mom" and "zombie". If you are a mom already, you need no further explanation. You most likely know exactly what I am referring to. If not, you are probably kid free and get 8 to 10 hours of restful sleep at night waking up all refreshed and annoyingly ready to face your day every morning. Curses to you, my friend! Curses to you!

Anyhoo. So, yeah. This blog is just a place for me to post useless stuff and to get things out of my head. Hopefully a mombie somewhere can read my blog and relate.

A little about myself. (This should be good and boring. You've been warned) My name is Tonya. I am a 30 something who lives in the super exciting state of Missouri. I say that sarcastically, but I really don't mind living in small town Missouri. Seriously though....there are some high schools that are bigger than the entire population of my town.

Despite being geographically challenged, I consider myself to be hip and what not thanks to the magic of the interwebs and satellite t.v.

I love Jesus (but I drink a little). I think I heard that from that little old lady on Ellen? lol I really don't drink much, but I do love Jesus. If that's not something you are cool with, kick rocks. I am here to prove that you can be in your mid-30's, a wife, a mother, a lover of Jesus, AND be cool. You just wait and see.

I have 4 kids, one husband, 4 cats, two dogs and 1 rooster. You want another fun fact about me, you say? I am a prepper. *gasp* We're not all crazy. Trust me. There's nothing wrong with being prepared. I don't know what it will be, but it's gonna suck.

I homeschool my oldest son and work from home part-time.

So, in summary....I will be posting about husbands, kids, Jesus, prepping, homeschooling and, of course, any other random stuff that comes to mind.

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