Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Good mombie morning to you.

Today I encompass all that is "mombie". I had to get that audio file typed and submitted. It was 24 pages long when I was finished!! I only got 3 hours of restless sleep before the alarm went off at 5 am for the hubs to get up. I had to get up and get his coffee ready. Let me rephrase that. I don't HAVE to get his coffee ready. I just do because I am an awesomely amazingly dutiful wife. Once the husband was shaven, showered, and out the door, I was able to squeeze in a whole 45 minutes of "sleep" before I had to get 3 of the 4 kids up for school. I just walked back in the door and, let me tell ya, I feel like a dang zombie. I plan on doing nothing today but cleaning the house and taking a nap.

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