Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Random Randomness

Fun Facts About Me:

I could eat cookies and drink soda all day long. 

I hate drinking water. It literally makes me gag unless it is ICE cold.

I always have good intentions when starting projects/etc, but I lack follow thorough.

I get bored easily. 

I am ridiculously scatterbrained.

I am pretty sure I was born in the wrong generation. 

I have been known to hide in the laundry room and "fold clothes" (aka: Facebook or play candy Crush on my phone). 

I am constantly running late. 

I have a pile of clean clothes that is a good 3 feet high in my laundry room right now and I don't care.  I'd rather clean a toilet than fold clothes. That's what dryers are for....to knock the wrinkles out.

I have an obsession with picking/popping. My poor family. They have learned to recognize the look on my face when my eyes have honed in something pickable or poppable on their person. Yes, I will violate their personal space in a heartbeat. They think I'm weird, but I think THEY are weird. Why would you want that junk in your skin any longer than it needs to be? Sickos!

My husband and I quote Napoleon Dynamite all of the time. Uncle Rico is my fav. 

I've never had a credit card. Weird, right? Who makes it to their 30's without having a credit card?

I have never eaten a booger, and I will literally throw up if I see someone do it. Omygosh. My stomach is turning just thinking about it.

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