Monday, September 23, 2013

Sporty Mombie?

I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever been a sports fan.  Like ever. I get so annoyed with my husband's hoots and hollers at the t.v. when his Kansas City Chiefs are playing.  Then, it happened.  One dark and stormy night last year, I was stuck in bed sick as a dog. I don't recall why I decided to watch a St. Louis blues hockey game. All I know is that I really like hockey! It's fast paced, but it's pretty simple and straight forward. I actually know what is happening (90% of the time). Football is ridiculously complicated. That must be why men can't seem to remember anything we tell them. They've got all this useless football stuff taking up precious real estate in their brains. 

The Blues aren't the best team, but they are my team....and I love 'em. <3 Awww. 

Go Blues!

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