Monday, September 23, 2013

♪♪ I don't wanna work, I just want to play on Blogger all day. ♪♪

I am totally avoiding finishing up my work right now. This audio file has a good 2.5 hours left before it's done. Ugh! I've already typed 16 pages today. Let me tell you, people who cannot speak in complete, coherent sentences really make me want to throw something. Let's not forget the people who use "um", "like", and "you know" multiple times in every sentence. They, like, totally make me want to, like, you know, throw my keyboard and, um, you know, break my headset!

If you haven't figured it out yet, my job is typing. (super exciting, btw). Flexible schedule and working from home makes it worth the frustration, though. That can be difficult to remember on days like today!

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