Monday, September 23, 2013

It's 5 o'clock somewhere....

Here, actually. That means it's time to get dinner going. Why do these people have to eat constantly? I know I cannot be the only one who feels like all my kids do is eat....and eat....and eat.  Our school district has 4 day school weeks, so Mondays mean the kids are home all day. That is super fun when you have work to get done, let me tell ya. I am keeping it simple tonight and making tacos. Can you keep a secret? I forgot to buy sour cream when I was at the store earlier. That is not the secret. The fact that I am a HUGE scatterbrain and literally forget numerous things every single day is not a secret to anyone who knows me. (Thanks for passing that down, Mom. Love ya!)

 Now, I do have some sour cream  in the fridge, but this is day 5 past it's expiration date. It passed the smell check. I figure expiration dates are just a rough estimate anyway. Just don't tell me husband that I plan to feed him expired sour cream. lol What he doesn't know won't hurt him...........hopefully!

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