Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Random Randomness

Fun Facts About Me:

I could eat cookies and drink soda all day long. 

I hate drinking water. It literally makes me gag unless it is ICE cold.

I always have good intentions when starting projects/etc, but I lack follow thorough.

I get bored easily. 

I am ridiculously scatterbrained.

I am pretty sure I was born in the wrong generation. 

I have been known to hide in the laundry room and "fold clothes" (aka: Facebook or play candy Crush on my phone). 

I am constantly running late. 

I have a pile of clean clothes that is a good 3 feet high in my laundry room right now and I don't care.  I'd rather clean a toilet than fold clothes. That's what dryers are for....to knock the wrinkles out.

I have an obsession with picking/popping. My poor family. They have learned to recognize the look on my face when my eyes have honed in something pickable or poppable on their person. Yes, I will violate their personal space in a heartbeat. They think I'm weird, but I think THEY are weird. Why would you want that junk in your skin any longer than it needs to be? Sickos!

My husband and I quote Napoleon Dynamite all of the time. Uncle Rico is my fav. 

I've never had a credit card. Weird, right? Who makes it to their 30's without having a credit card?

I have never eaten a booger, and I will literally throw up if I see someone do it. Omygosh. My stomach is turning just thinking about it.

Good mombie morning to you.

Today I encompass all that is "mombie". I had to get that audio file typed and submitted. It was 24 pages long when I was finished!! I only got 3 hours of restless sleep before the alarm went off at 5 am for the hubs to get up. I had to get up and get his coffee ready. Let me rephrase that. I don't HAVE to get his coffee ready. I just do because I am an awesomely amazingly dutiful wife. Once the husband was shaven, showered, and out the door, I was able to squeeze in a whole 45 minutes of "sleep" before I had to get 3 of the 4 kids up for school. I just walked back in the door and, let me tell ya, I feel like a dang zombie. I plan on doing nothing today but cleaning the house and taking a nap.

Monday, September 23, 2013

My favorite mistake.

I realize that drinking a cup of coffee at 8:30 pm is ridiculously silly. I will most definitely be up way later than usual now. I couldn't help it! I bought a new container of Pumpkin Spice creamer this afternoon. It was sitting on the counter taunting me.

I had no choice but to show it who's boss.

One last thing....

One last thing before I get back to pretending to get things done around here. If you happen to get lost and stumble across my blog while on your way to to somewhere cool, I hope you'll hang out for a little bit.

All comments are always welcome!

(Total lie: I only welcome nice comments. Meanieheads can kick rocks.)

Sporty Mombie?

I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever been a sports fan.  Like ever. I get so annoyed with my husband's hoots and hollers at the t.v. when his Kansas City Chiefs are playing.  Then, it happened.  One dark and stormy night last year, I was stuck in bed sick as a dog. I don't recall why I decided to watch a St. Louis blues hockey game. All I know is that I really like hockey! It's fast paced, but it's pretty simple and straight forward. I actually know what is happening (90% of the time). Football is ridiculously complicated. That must be why men can't seem to remember anything we tell them. They've got all this useless football stuff taking up precious real estate in their brains. 

The Blues aren't the best team, but they are my team....and I love 'em. <3 Awww. 

Go Blues!

Fall t.v. is back, Baby!

Wooooooooooooo! (Imagine Muscle Man swinging his shirt around over his head. If you don't know who Muscle Man is, I am going to have you to leave my blog immediately.)

Here you go. I won't make you use your imagination today. I know you're tired.

I am a DVR addict. I really do need an intervention. I have SO many shows recording. Let's seeeeeee...some of my favorite fall shows (in no particular order)...

Parenthood, Parks and Rec, The Voice, Revolution.....um...what the heck? My brain just went blank. Um..........I can't believe I am actually going to have to open a new tab and google "fall tv" so I can remember what shows I watch. Redonkulous.

Alright. I'm back.

Okay.  Parenthood, Parks and Rec, The Voice, Revolution, The Middle, Modern Family, Raising Hope, The Mindy Project.

There are a lot of new shows that I'm looking forward to checking out: The Goldbergs, Sean Saves the World, Super Fun Night, The Blacklist, Mom, The Crazy Ones, The Millers.

My poor DVR.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere....

Here, actually. That means it's time to get dinner going. Why do these people have to eat constantly? I know I cannot be the only one who feels like all my kids do is eat....and eat....and eat.  Our school district has 4 day school weeks, so Mondays mean the kids are home all day. That is super fun when you have work to get done, let me tell ya. I am keeping it simple tonight and making tacos. Can you keep a secret? I forgot to buy sour cream when I was at the store earlier. That is not the secret. The fact that I am a HUGE scatterbrain and literally forget numerous things every single day is not a secret to anyone who knows me. (Thanks for passing that down, Mom. Love ya!)

 Now, I do have some sour cream  in the fridge, but this is day 5 past it's expiration date. It passed the smell check. I figure expiration dates are just a rough estimate anyway. Just don't tell me husband that I plan to feed him expired sour cream. lol What he doesn't know won't hurt him...........hopefully!


♪♪ I don't wanna work, I just want to play on Blogger all day. ♪♪

I am totally avoiding finishing up my work right now. This audio file has a good 2.5 hours left before it's done. Ugh! I've already typed 16 pages today. Let me tell you, people who cannot speak in complete, coherent sentences really make me want to throw something. Let's not forget the people who use "um", "like", and "you know" multiple times in every sentence. They, like, totally make me want to, like, you know, throw my keyboard and, um, you know, break my headset!

If you haven't figured it out yet, my job is typing. (super exciting, btw). Flexible schedule and working from home makes it worth the frustration, though. That can be difficult to remember on days like today!

Welcome to Mombieland.

Hey there. I'm pretty sure that most of us have heard the term "mombie" before.  If you haven't, it's a combo of the words "mom" and "zombie". If you are a mom already, you need no further explanation. You most likely know exactly what I am referring to. If not, you are probably kid free and get 8 to 10 hours of restful sleep at night waking up all refreshed and annoyingly ready to face your day every morning. Curses to you, my friend! Curses to you!

Anyhoo. So, yeah. This blog is just a place for me to post useless stuff and to get things out of my head. Hopefully a mombie somewhere can read my blog and relate.

A little about myself. (This should be good and boring. You've been warned) My name is Tonya. I am a 30 something who lives in the super exciting state of Missouri. I say that sarcastically, but I really don't mind living in small town Missouri. Seriously though....there are some high schools that are bigger than the entire population of my town.

Despite being geographically challenged, I consider myself to be hip and what not thanks to the magic of the interwebs and satellite t.v.

I love Jesus (but I drink a little). I think I heard that from that little old lady on Ellen? lol I really don't drink much, but I do love Jesus. If that's not something you are cool with, kick rocks. I am here to prove that you can be in your mid-30's, a wife, a mother, a lover of Jesus, AND be cool. You just wait and see.

I have 4 kids, one husband, 4 cats, two dogs and 1 rooster. You want another fun fact about me, you say? I am a prepper. *gasp* We're not all crazy. Trust me. There's nothing wrong with being prepared. I don't know what it will be, but it's gonna suck.

I homeschool my oldest son and work from home part-time.

So, in summary....I will be posting about husbands, kids, Jesus, prepping, homeschooling and, of course, any other random stuff that comes to mind.