Monday, August 29, 2016

31 wasps.....

That's the name of the horror movie I have been living today. It just so happens to be the number of wasps that were in my kitchen this morning. Not even kidding. They apparently came in through the microwave vent. *shudders* I managed to kill about half. I was swatting and they were flying everywhere. One landed on my head and another on my hand. It was super traumatizing. The rest have retreated behind the microwave where I cant get to them. There is just one lookout peeking under the microwave.......
 Look at this little a-hole.

Not only do I have the trauma, I am forced to clean under there now. I tend to be an an "out of sight, out of mind" person when it comes to housework. If I dont see it, it aint bothering me. Well, now that Ive seen it, I have to clean it.

Thanks a lot a-holewasps!!

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