Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday Schmaturday.

It's 1:32 pm on a Saturday, and I am thoroughly enjoying my "lazy" day. I've made coffee, fed and watered the chickens, fed and watered the dogs and cats, made sausage, scrambled eggs and hashbrowns for the fam, washed a couple loads of laundry, made tea and kool-aid, baked a coffee cake, loaded the dishwasher, wiped down the table and counters, swept the kitchen floor, took an hour nap, supervised the kids making their own lunch, vacuumed (Is it 2 c's, 2 u's, or 2 m's in that pesky word?), made my bed, and febrezed the furniture. I need to hit a couple spots with the carpet cleaner, but I believe I am done being productive for the day.

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