He is the youngest of the feline bunch and one of the meanest cats I have ever met. He sleeps weird too. We hoped that having his manhood taken away would calm him down. Sure, he sleeps more now.....but he is NOT nicer. He is one of those cats who will give you the sweet eyes then rip your flesh open with his claws if you pet him for longer than 3.7 seconds. He terrorizes the older cats. Ugh. His mom was a feral cat who had him and his two sisters on our back deck. We found homes for his sisters but got stuck with this fool. Jack, you are lucky that you are cute.
This is Beans.
AKA: Fatty Beans

He is really, really fat. Seriously, these pics do not accurately represent his lardness. More than one person havs said he is the fattest cat they have ever seen. Beans is 8-years-old, and he is named Beans because he is very, very gassy. He is my stinky buddy and has to be laying practically on top of me at all times.
This is Cookie.
AKA: Crackhead
We refer to her as "Crackhead", because she is paranoid and skittish. She was a kitten in this pic. She is the older sister of Jack. Same mom. Different litter. She is THE world's tiniest full grown cat. I am seriously considering calling the Guinness Book of World Records people. Not really.....but she is really tiny. She won't sit still long enough to get a recent pic....because she's insane. If she had hands, she would be tweaking and peeking out the mini blinds.
This is Peaches.
Aka: Plastic bag licker.
Peaches is a bit....quirky. She mostly sleeps under my bed all day. She runs and hides every time the front door opens. Nothing traumatic has ever happened to her, but whatevs. She will ONLY drink out of the bathtub, and she loves to lick plastic bags. Why? I have not a clue. She is pretty and soft, though. That outta count for something, right?
And the odd couple.
Left to right: Pumpkin and Chewy.

Pumpkin was supposed to be my dog, but she decided that my oldest daughter was going to be her person. Fine by me, because Pumpkin is insane. She was rescued from a hoarder, and it did A LOT of damage.
So, I tried again and rescued Chewy.
He was supposed to be my dog too, but he decided my husband was going to be his person. Ironic considering my husband is not an animal person. Yes, I am bitter. My husband loves that little useless dog to pieces, and they are buddies.
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