Saturday, June 21, 2014

How you doin'?

Well. I was going to make a halfhearted attempt at sleep, but I realized I forgot to wash my husband's shirt for tomorrow. I almost midnight.....waiting for the washing machine to beep.....eating some cold pizza.....drinking root beer.....listening to the hubs snore.....

Today was kind of a stupid day. I spent most of the morning painting the kitchen. I really do not like to paint. I'm not loving the color I picked out, but that junk is $18 a gallon. There's no turning back now. So, yeah. I painted. Then, it was time to take the grumpy teenager to summer school. Because it's totally worth 4 hours a day of "Team Sports" to get a 1/2 credit out of the way. Mmmkay. Did I mention I am the parent of a high school freshman? I'm 34. I'm too young to have a kid in high school!

So, I walk out the front door this afternoon and one of our hens was out of the pen. The rooster was trying know....with her. It freaked her out, so she tried to go THROUGH one of the holes in the chicken wire and gave herself quite the scalping. :( It's not deep, but it's not pretty at all. She has been cleaned up and is resting in a big dog carrier in the bathroom. Because chickens are dumb and will peck at EVERYTHING, she has to stay inside until she is healed. The bathroom is her home until further notice.

So, anyway. When this went down, I posted on a popular chicken site on Facebook asking for the best medicine to use. The "chick" posted back that I am basically being unfair by letting my chicken "suffer" because she doesn't have any pain meds. She strongly suggested euthanasia because she doesn't have any pain meds. For reals? I appreciate that she sees her chickens as pets and will spend hundreds of dollars on vet visits. I love animals, but the chickens are not my pets. I will buy some antiseptic spray. I will keep her as comfortable as I can. She is eating and drinking. When I let her out of the carrier, she was walking around the bathroom. She was preening herself and checking out her new surroundings. She is alert. I know chickens don't show pain like we do, but if she were "suffering", I am pretty sure she would be showing at least ANY sign of distress. I am going to give her a chance to heal, because I'm unfair like that.

I guess we will have to name her, since she is going to be spending a lot of time in the house. Hmm...I was thinking something flowery. Petunia? Clover? Dandelion? The kids want to name her Lucy, but I am not feeling it.

Tonight was supposed to be date night, but the husband called me on his way home from work to let me know his front left tire was wobbling like crazy. Sweet. So, we had to book it to the tire place and spend $176 on a new tire. AND we ended up eating at Denny's because we ran out of time. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy crappy diner food as much as the next gal, but I had my heart set on some Longhorn Steakhouse.

I ended up eating a dang quesadilla.

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