Thursday, January 12, 2017

Icepocalypse 2017

Yesterday it was in the mid 60's, and today I was busy running around preparing for an ice storm. smh....

I had to go to 4 different stores, but I think I have everything we need to survive for the next 4 days. :) I went this morning to avoid the crowds, but I forgot about the older folks. They were out in full force this morning. lol

I really, really, REALLY hope we dont lose power. That is definitely my biggest concern. We have a fireplace, and my inlaws have a generator, so we will manage if it does. We had an ice storm back in 2007 or so, and we were without power for 9 days.

The school district did the right thing and already called off school for tomorrow. I wasnt going to take the kids even if they didnt, but thats neither here nor there.

Unfortunately, the husband has to go to work on Saturday and Sunday, so I will definitely get a few more grey hairs while he is making that 40 minute drive.

Welst, Id better go check on my pot of chili.

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