This is day three of my 21 day fast from Facebook. I am happy to report that it has been much easier than I anticipated. When the decision was made that I would be giving up Facebook for 21 days, I had quite the pit in my stomach. As a stay-at-home mom, I don't get out much. Most days, Facebook is my only connection to people outside of the house (except for the random people I see at the store). The thought of being so disconnected was kinda scary. I have only "cheated" and logged in one time, on the first day, and I immediately regretted it. As I scrolled through my feed, I really didn't feel like I was missing too much. That is not an insult to my FB friends at all. I love keeping up with everyone. I just had an overall "eh" feeling as I was mindlessly scrolling through my feed. Facebook has become my go-to when I have some time to kill, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it was taking up way too much of my time. It had become an "escape", for lack of a better word. A tool for zoning out, taking up time when I don't feel like doing something (laundry, etc). I was hoping that with all this free time, I would become more productive. Sadly, that has not been the case yet. Granted, it's only been two full days, and I haven't been feeling very well.
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