Tuesday, January 3, 2017

21 day fast.....

Today is my last day on Facebook for a whole 21 days! My awesome church does a 21 day fast at the beginning of each year. I usually fast a food item (chocolate/soda/etc), but God has laid it on my heart to fast Facebook this year. It's so weird, because I never thought I was "addicted", but when I really took a step back, I was shocked at how often each day I mindlessly scroll though my FB feed. I love seeing everyone's updates and pictures, and it's going to be a LONG 21 days, but this is definitely something that I have to do. I've been making excuses about not "having time" for Bible study and reading the Bible, and now there will be no excuse! Every time I have the urge to log in, I will pray for strength and focus and pick up my Bible. Most of us in Facebook-land have been plugged in for years....I can hardly imagine going one day without checking in. It's going to be really weird to be so "disconnected", but we all survived before Facebook, and I will survive these 21 days :) :) :) :) :)

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