Monday, November 3, 2014

Where in the world are the wooly worms going?!

I have never in my 34 years of existence seen so many wooly worms crossing the road! They are hard to see until the last second, but I have been dodging them everyday for well over a week! (For the city folk, wooly worms are the "fuzzy" black caterpillars.) I had to Google it, of course, and it seems that the little fuzzballs may be pointing to a rough winter. I am hoping they are wrong!

Here is an article from 2011:

Interestingly enough, that was the Winter that we had "Snowzilla". 

This was the aftermath:

My mother-in-law told me she heard on the news when the wool on the sheep grows in extra thick, we are in for a long, cold Winter, and "they" say it's extra thick this year!

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